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“IATEFL YLTSIG is a vibrant, dynamic and inclusive group. I have had the pleasure of meeting old friends and making new ones every year at YLTSIG events for over a decade.”

Annamaria Pinter
Reader, University of Warwick, United Kingdom


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A review of NILE’s Teaching Young Learners course

A review of NILE’s Teaching Young Learners course

Introduction Teaching English to young learners is a challenging and rewarding activity that demands specialised skills and knowledge in order to cater for the whole child development in the classroom (Read, 2020). Teaching these types of learners entails more than a...

“The IATEFL YLTSIG community inspires me to become the best teacher I can be for my secondary students”. 

Dirk Lagerwaard (PhD)
Associate Professor, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain

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